
adjust to doing sth,at the moment

in turn 2023-12-07 16:39 600 墨鱼
in turn

adjust to doing sth,at the moment

╯﹏╰ (3)equip sb.for (doing) sth.使某人为(做)某事而准备5.content有关的短语(1)feel/be content with对……满足(2)be content to do愿意做……3)contadjusttodoingsth信息详情文章内容

˙▽˙ 随机应变表示根据具体的情况灵活办事,因此要随时调整自己来适应具体的情况,我们可以用adjust 来描述这个调整,意为“适应,习惯”,相当于adapt,常用于adjust to sth,adjust 1.adjust sth (to sth) 调整;调节2.adjust to sth/to doing sth/yourself to sth 适应;习惯真题回顾To be exact, other people can extend our intelligenc

句意为:到达纽约后,中国的大学生发现很难适应独立生活。adjust to doing sth.“适应/习惯做某事”,符合题意。rely on和depend on都是“依靠,依赖”的意思;brin“adjust to”表示适应的时候,“to”是介词,所以后面跟“sth”或“doing sth”。adjust (oneself) to:使(自己)适应于,改变…以适应,调节:The body adjusts i

give up doing:放弃做某种行为6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing) 有能力做某事7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能辨析ability:具备做某事的能adjust to somethingAfter a while his eyes adjusted to the dark. adjust to doing somethingIt took her a while to adjust to living alone. It can be difficult to adj

1. 习惯于做adjust sth. to sth. 适应于……adjust to doing习惯于做……adjust oneself to sth. 使自己适应于……tech.casd.cn|基于2个网页例句释义:全部,习adjusttodoingsth造句1. 调整学习计划:在新的学期开始之前,我需要调整我的学习计划,以确保我能够合理安排时间,高效学习。2. 调整工作安排:由于项目进展的变化,我需要及时调


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