
ignorance.,ignorance assumes

ignorance about 2023-11-19 23:48 290 墨鱼
ignorance about

ignorance.,ignorance assumes

final ignorance最终不知from ignorance出于无知相似单词ignorancen. 1.[U][ignorance (of sth)](对某事物)无知最新单词indococcus是什么意思及音标蓝球菌indocility是ignorance用作不可数名词时,作“无知,不了解,不知道”解。也可用作可数名词,强调某种无知。ignorance和about连用表示“不知道某事”,与in连用表示“对某事的某方面知道得很少

1.Ignoranceof people brings fear, fear of the unknown. 人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。来自柯林斯例句2. Herignoranceof the area put her at a decided disadvantage.词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] n.[U] 1. 无知,不学无术;愚昧Please forgive my ignorance. 请原谅我的无知。2. 不知We are in complete ignorance of his plans. 我们对他的

1. ignorance的意思1. Please forgive my ignorance. 请原谅我的无知。2. We are in complete ignorance of his plans. 我们对他的计划一无所知。3. 3. His ignorance is ignorance的法语解释汉语翻译n. 无知,愚味【法】无知,不知情,愚昧相关词组:be in ignorance of sth 英语解释:名词ignorance: the lack of knowledge or education 例

美['ɪgnərəns] 英['ɪgnərəns] n.无知权威英汉双解网络释义ignorance. 显示所有例句n. 1. [u] ~ (of/about sth) 无知a lack of knowledge or information about sthChildren often behave badly out of/throughignorance. 儿童往往出于无知而不守规矩。牛津词典She was kept inignoranceof her husband's activities. 关于丈夫的活动,她


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