
both造句简单小学,用be like造句简单

a little造句简单小学 2023-11-17 11:29 144 墨鱼
a little造句简单小学

both造句简单小学,用be like造句简单

1、Theyboth love outdoor pursuits.(他们俩都喜欢户外活动。2、both the women were French.(两名妇女都是法国人。3、Luckily, weboth love football.(幸好我们俩都热爱both造句如下:DET You use both when you are referring to two people or things and saying that something is true about each of them. 两个(都)例:She cri

9、Both men are grumpy, butbothreckon they will cope. 10、They arebothlaborers and exploiters,bothbuilders and dependants. 11、Agriculturebothculpri67、Bothofthegadgetsareuseful,butIpreferthefirstone. 68、这两个小工具都有用,但我更喜欢第一个。69、Sheisbothcreativeandorganized. 70、她既有创造力又有组织能力。71、The

They're both beautiful ─ I can't make up my mind. 两个都很漂亮——我难以决定。Both their children are at university. 他们的两个孩子都在上大学。Plboth of造句简单I like both of the stories. 这两个故事我都喜欢。both of 造句简单To help the talks along, both of us should make some concessions. 为了会谈有所进



标签: 用be like造句简单



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