
headed up,heading

Heads-up 的用法 2023-11-27 16:11 339 墨鱼
Heads-up 的用法

headed up,heading

ˋ▽ˊ head up 美英na.指挥;给…加盖子;同“head”网络主管;管事第三人称单数:heads up现在分词:heading up过去式:headed up 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 指挥,当主管2. 给pig-headed 的英语表达打住还真不是你想象的那种意思,pig-headed其实是对一种意见或行动计划表示无任何恰当理由的支持,并且拒绝改变或听取不同的意见,简单来说就是“顽固的、固执

╯▽╰ Kora Naughton/Rod Motbey 专辑:Nineteen 语种:其他流派:Country 唱片公司:Red Rebel Music 发行时间:2021-03-19 播放智能曲谱更多歌词复制暂无歌词[展开]head up head, lead - travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adject

⊙^⊙ Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation 弗雷德里克·莱西法官负责该项调查。We asked ourselves what we wanted from our management structure and who we wahead up 读音汉语翻译加盖子于英语解释:动词head up: be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel 同义词:head

headed up发音意思翻译领导;抬高;加盖子于相似词语短语headed ohead up───头朝上headed───v.率领(head的过去分词);朝向;走在…的前头;adj.有头的;有标题的douhead up基本解释在…前面;领导[主管](某个团体);(植物)长大网络释义加盖子于head up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释She swam him acrossholding


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