
too和either的例句,tooAlso either 的用法总结

either造句 2023-12-04 10:08 269 墨鱼

too和either的例句,tooAlso either 的用法总结

too,either都有“也,很,非常”的意思,但是too多用于肯定陈述句,或者肯定疑问句里;而either多用于否定句里。如:His pen is red. Mine is red,too.He dotoo是用在肯定句的句末,too的前面会有逗号。either是用在否定句的句末,either前可以有逗号,也可以没有逗号。also用例:I can dance. She can also dance.肯定句中,行为动词前Th


"Neither of them won the competition. Either I or she will be the winner."(他们两个都没有赢得比赛。我和她中的一个将成为获胜者。)too的用法:too"用于表示"也"、过于"或XQRP.COMExamples:Jane is too short. She is not a good athlete either. I don't think she would make a good basketball player.He is lazy. He doesn't study either. That's

例句:He is too tired to finish the work, and I am too.(他太累了,没法完成工作,我也是。)5、用法上的重点区a、either"强调的是两个选择中的一个,表示“或者”。b、either"通常放在句中,用来连接两个选择项。2. "too"的用法:too"表示也是如此、过于或程度过高,常用于肯定句中。例句1

用too和either造句1. I am too tired to go out tonight, so I think I will just stay in and watch a movie. 2. She is too young to understand the complexity of the s1. either 表示“也”,一般用在否定句中,位于句尾。2. too 表示“也”,一般在肯定句和一般疑问句,位于句尾3. also 表示“也”,一般用于肯定句,位于句中。这是also, too, eit


标签: tooAlso either 的用法总结



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