
a few paces off,place

圈aoff什么意思 2023-12-03 17:44 967 墨鱼

a few paces off,place

awalking pace.3step[countable]asinglestepwhen you are running or walking, or thedistanceyou move in one steppace backwards/towards/forwards etcHetookapacetowards the door.Rebecca walIt was a cold winter night. The street was deserted. I stood alone under a tree with an entanglement of bare branches overhead, waiting for the las

Off prep. a. ad. 离开…断掉的,关上的,脱离的,中断的,免除责任的,休假的off adv. 1. 掉,下2.(离)开,走)开;隔)开3. 向一边4. 离,距;离海岸5. 切断;停止,中止6. 不工作,休息7. 光had walked a few paces off, to warm himself; for nobody did he see but a big charity -boy, sitting on a post in front of the house, eating a slice o

今天️下雨啦,配合着这冷飕飕的冬夜奶茶必须来一杯『翻译积累』1⃣️疏枝交横with an entanglement of bare branches 2⃣️不远处a few paces7、A few paces off in the darkness there was ashadowy figuresquatting against the wall, but tie turned out to be a tramp. 8、A night watchman claims

v.用步子量出网络步测;用脚步量出网络释义1. 用步子量出pace - Leia的日志- 网易博客try sb.'s paces 试某人本领pace off用步子量出(一段距离) pace out 用步子量Define paces. paces synonyms, paces pronunciation, paces translation, English dictionary definition of paces. n. 1. A step made in walking; a stride. 2. A unit of

9. 34kb A few paces off in the darkness there was a shadowy figure squatting against the wall, but he turned out to be a tramp. 虽然不远的墙边,也蹲有一团黑影,但A few paces offin

the darkness there was a shadowy figure squatting against the wall.


标签: place



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