
instructed to,instruct to

instructed用法 2023-12-04 19:28 997 墨鱼

instructed to,instruct to

My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英语。I could instruct him just as well as you. 我可以和你一样指导他。2、指示,吩咐,下命令给(某人)He was instyou have instructed it to do sth意思是你已经指示它做某事,有双宾语出现。第一个宾语是it,第二个宾语是to do 后

Seeing me in panic, the hostess reassured me that what I was instructed to do next was something I was definitely capable of.───看见我恐慌的样子,女主持人安慰我instructed 读音汉语翻译a. 受教育的,得到指示的,被委派的英语解释:动词instruct: impart skills or knowledge to 同义词:teach, learn, instruct give instructions o

be instructed to 被命令做某事Revenue and Customs will be instructed to give small firms more time to pay tax bills.税务和海关都将得到指令,要给小企业更-instructed 1 . 吩咐Shortly before noon Edwina instructedTottenhoe to advise the payroll department ., 快到中午时候, 埃德温娜吩咐托顿霍去通知工资科. 2 . 按指示

●^● 相似短语instruct to委托instruct sb to do sth提示某人做某事,命令某人做某事相似单词instructv.[T] 1.命令,指示2.教授,指导3.通知4.【法律】聘请(律师)出庭最新单过去式:instructed; 过去分词:instructed; 现在分词:instructing; 实用场景例句全部讲授教导指导通知命令The letterinstructedhim to report to headquarters immedia

OnceanIntegrationObjecthas beencreated,HATScanbeinstructedtocreateWebservicesupportfilesforit. 一旦创建好集成对象,HATS就可以用来创建其Web服务支持文件。www-128.ibLast Updated: - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definition


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