

乘客找不到座位 客舱情景对话英语


>0< 我的车在停车场,我们往这边走。我帮你提行李。【机场接人英语口语对话】史密斯:Sorry to interrupt you. but aren't you Mr. Wu from China? 抱歉.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗?吴先生:✈️机场对话Are you checking any luggage? 请问有要托运行李吗?Do you have any carry-on luggage? 请问你有手提行李吗?The overweight baggage fee is $100. 行李超重的费用

【机场常用的英语对话】A: Good morning sir. Where are you flying to today?先生早上好,您要飞去Airport staff(A):机场工作人员Traveler(T):旅客1. 提取行李(1) A: Can I help you, sir? 先生,需要我帮助吗?T: I can't find my checked baggage. 我找不

(*?↓˙*) 8我在哪里取行李?Where can I claim my luggage? 9哪里有机场巴士到市区?Where is the bus to town? 10哪里可以寄存行李?Where can I store my luggage? 11寄存2小时多少钱?A: Yes, please. 2. 行李托运A: Excuse me, how much does it cost to check in one extra luggage? B: It’s $50 for each piece of extra luggage. A: Okay, I have two extra pieces. So, $10

˙▽˙ A:hello,i am jemmy .white ,the tour leader of holiday tour group .thank you for coming to meet us B:hello ,mr.white,nice to meet you .i am zhang mei ,th我需要在机场,海关,飞机上用上的语句机场:一)提领行李1.I can\'t find the baggage claim area. Can you direct me, please? 2.My bags are not on the car

∪▽∪ #沈阳机场塔台对话致敬志愿军忠烈#】“感谢你们把英雄送回祖国。铁血今犹在,山河已无恙,向中国人民志愿军忠烈致敬!”“盛世中华,英烈回家。向志愿军忠烈致敬,人民英雄永垂不朽!”#共和国最高礼遇希望对您学习英文有帮助喔😊 西西里: 很有帮助,上次出国安检就是有这些语句,当时只能大概懂,但是说不出来英文老师Tanner(作者) : I’m happy to know that! 多听几次熟悉下喔,下次


标签: 在飞机上的英语情景对话



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