
the US的正确读音,美国简称US读什么

USA到底加不加the 2023-12-08 09:51 137 墨鱼

the US的正确读音,美国简称US读什么

7. The articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint. 手臂桡骨和尺骨的连接关节是一个枢轴关节。动物的英文单词与正确的读音(扩展2) —5. I can see some birds on the tree. ( in ) 6. I like playing football and my friends. ( with ) 7. We have three lessons in Wednesday afternoon. ( o

the+US英标美:'ðə juː es/ 常用词典美国(the United States of America) 例句The band has hit big in the US. 乐队在美国大获成功。Who was it that won the US Open?州;状态人教七- 下Unit 6 例句:My son has been to some states of the US. 我儿子已经去过美国的一些州。148 触目经心记忆法12天攻破初中词汇273. sure [???] adj. & adv

●﹏● 读音如音标所示:英[empr(r)] 美[mp] 第三人称复数:emperors emperor 基本解释名词皇帝,君主双语例句1. Then, the emperor Song Taizong sent his officials to take fothe US 美英网络美国;指美国;是美国好不好英英网络释义un. 1. theUnitedStates 例句更多例句筛选1. HesaidtheevacuationwasbeingcoordinatedbytheUSState Departmento

考点三:以-s,-es结尾的单词的词尾正确读音;清辅音后读作/s/ .maps cakes 浊、元音后读作/z / bananas dogs 在/s/、z/、d?//∫/ 音之后读/ iz / classes bri5.Is the cat the sofa?—Yes. 答案:under 、outside、beside 、on、behind 篇2:五年级下册考试题答案五年级下册考试题答案[基础知识] 一、选出带点字的正确读音画“”线。3分

1.marylivesintheroom,thedoor___openseast. a.ofitb.ofwhichc.ofthatd.whose 2.theengineer___myfatheristalkinghasjustefromabroad. a.withwhomb.withwhoc.withwhichd.that 3.hel正确读音如音标所示:英[lu:z sait v] 美[luz sat v] 1. Forget the oil up: the reasons: moisture, tend to lose sight of oil make up the remaining measures. 忘记补油


标签: 美国简称US读什么



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