

雅思口语人物题 2023-12-29 10:33 316 墨鱼


Like I said, he founded one of the largest and fastest logistics companies in China and an e-commerce platform that uses his own transporting network, which means the g一、雅思口语范文100篇人物1、常见问题提问Describe a family member you admir. Describe a good teacher. Describe a person you like to stay with/talk/be similar to. 2、真

篇1:雅思口语话题:人物篇Part 3 在中国有多少种旅游形式?你更喜欢哪一种?你认为这种旅游形式可以给人们带来什么?Would you like to live or study at a popular tourist destina雅思口语part2人物类话题范文汇总重点工作将在固体废物领域环境中心的协助操作包括协助举办卡佛县环境中心的活动如接受和管理各种废水重点客户服务和协助有机物收集程序通过

雅思口语人物类范文Describe a famous person (not from your country) You should say: who this person is (or was) how you know about this person what type of work h雅思口语:Describe a person in the news you would like to meet.(新闻人物) Topic: Describe a person in the news you would like to meet. You should say

雅思口语part2人物范文:受欢迎的人受欢迎的人P2Describepopularperson.Youshouldsay:WhoWhatkindpersonheexplainhowpersoninfluencespublicP31.Whatbeingpopul雅思口语人物类范文篇一:有重要工作的人A Person Whose Job Is Important You should say: who he is what job he does what skills his job needs and explain why do you think


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