

getonwith造句子 2023-12-15 15:03 847 墨鱼


下面简单用workout造句(5句)我通常在早上做锻炼,以充沛的能量开始一天。I usually do a workout in the morning to start my day off with energy.她喜欢做瑜伽work out例句Work Out例句1. I try to work out at least three times a week to stay in shape. 2. She always wears her workout clothes to the gym when she goes to w


workout,作名词,也表示:锻炼、健身。例:I work out at a gym twice a week. 我每周去健身房锻炼两次。I will go to the gym for a workout. 我要去健身房锻炼。5>口语中还经常11、This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. 12、Feel tired, but have a hard workout planned? 13、Should we sip water or gulp it during a wo

work out 造句简单

并造句workout一般指体育锻炼例子:I did a two-hour workout in the gym. 我在健身房锻炼了两个小时。I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout. 我骑车遛了一圈,试了一下workout一般指体育锻炼造句:I did a two-hour workout in the gym.我在健身房锻炼了两个小时.I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout.我骑车遛了一圈,试了一下我的


∩△∩ 22、There was a rumor about what will happen to people whowork outregularly when they stop working out. 23、Objective:To find out the situation of th1、workout一般指体育锻炼例子:I did a two-hour workout in the gym. 我在健身房锻炼了两个小时。2、I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout. 我骑车遛了一圈,试


标签: athlete造句简单



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