

stimulate 2023-11-27 14:43 347 墨鱼


kick v.踢❖ i kicked the ball as hard as i could. 我用尽全力踢球。get a kick out of sth. 从获得极大乐趣❖ even as an adult, i still get a kick 网络释义1. 向……踢去英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(76) _ 上海疯狂英语kick against 反对kick at向……踢去kick away 不断地踢crazyenglish|基于10个网页

He roughed up the path by kicking at the stones. 他乱踢石块把路弄得高低不平。More and more consumers are beginning to kick at the runaway prices. 越来越多的消费kick at的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译向…踢去向…踢,反对,不喜欢,对…发牢骚kick at的用法和样例:例句He roughed up the path by

kick at 抗议,反对;踢…kick on 接通(电路) 打开kick in <俚>死,踢开,捐款,药物)发生药性,起效;缴付kick it 戒除嗜好(烟酒等) kick back at 反击,还击,报复kick offkick的常用短语用作动词(v.) kick about〔around〕1( v.+adv. ) kick about〔around〕2( v.+prep. ) kick against (v.+prep.) kick at ( v.+prep. ) kick away ( v.+adv. )

Define kick at. kick at synonyms, kick at pronunciation, kick at translation, English dictionary definition of kick at. kick at. Translations. English: w>kick at 1、She aimed a kick at my shins. 2、He aimed a kick at the dog. 3、He directed a kick at the goal. 4、William didn't kick at anyone, I'm not unhappy


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