

the造句短一些 2023-12-18 12:49 250 墨鱼


≥△≤ 1、The beautiful girl is my sister 2、the movie,what I saw yesterday,is touching 1.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 日出东起,日落西沉。2.The moon waxes and wanes with the passing of time. 月亮随着时间的流逝变大变小。3.The sky

1、英语the的用法:元音发音前用the,第二次提到某人或某物第一次提到时用不定冠词,第二次提到时要用定冠词the,在表示方向、方位的名词前用The,如the west西方,the south南方,t1、theAlamo;theTitanic . 2、thepostman,thepostman? 3、The energy,thefaith, 4、The lowerthestatus,theweakertheability,thebetter. 5、The lowerthegravi

8.Theold feelthecold more thantheyoung. 老年人比年轻人怕冷。《牛津词典》9.Thebell sounded fortheend oftheclass. 下课铃响了。《牛津词典》10.Thebomb scorchedthea) Male professors of physics from China who also work in the field of mathematics and how have studied in the USA, tend to …b) The male professors of physics who als

Theconversion of a solid or a gas into a liquid. 固体或气体转化为液体的过程。英文例句大全为您提供THE英文例句大全,THE英文造句,关于THE的英语句子,单词THE怎么造句,TH有关于the的例句1. The cat is the animal that is most commonly kept as a pet.(猫是最常见的被当作宠物的动物。2. The Bahamas are a popular tourist destination in

8. 政府单位前加“the”and 商店,办公场所,工业企业,银行的名字前加“the”(例外情况,人名开头的,不加) E.g.The Ministry of Defence 国防部The Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院T1、theremedy lies inthehands ofthegovernment.(解决办法就在政府手中。【hao86好工具】2、thepolice coveredtheexits tothebuilding.(警方用枪封锁了那栋大楼的出口


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