
there be后面有单数和复数,there be就近原则口诀

There的复数形式怎么写 2023-12-09 23:39 205 墨鱼

there be后面有单数和复数,there be就近原则口诀

若名词为复数,后面的动词用复数形式;若名词为单数或不可数名词,后面的动词用单数形式。In our class ,twenty of students are boys. Thirty of water is dirsome后面可以跟单数也可以跟复数。some后面既可以接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。如果这个名词是可数的,就用复数,比如:I have some interesting books.我有一些有趣的书。如果这

There is/are + lots of be动词取决于后面跟的名词的单复数情况。There are lots of dogs in the street. There's a lot of snow outside. 口语中,可以使用thThere+be+名词+地点词(在何处) ◇本句型的特点◇ 句中的动词be应根据后面接的名词的数变化。后接单数名词,be动词用is;后接复数名词,be动词用are。2.There be句型中后接单数名词或

1.“not a”接可数名词单数,“not any”接可数名词复数或不可数名词,通常都可以用no来替换,但在There be 句型用法:There be 句型表示某地(方位)有…1)There is a / an +名词单数+方位词…2)There is some +不可数名词+方位词…3)There are +名词复数+方位词…句

上面这个例句如果把猫和鸟倒过来,就会变成“There is a bird and two cats under the tree”。there后面的be动词离单数近,就用单数的be动词,离复数近就用复数的be动词。了解完th(2) There are +复数名词+地点状语.there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主

╯▽╰ there be 巨型单复数的使用主要根据be动词后面的名词来确定,举例如下:单数:There is an apple on the table.桌上有一个苹果。复数:There are some apples on the There is a bike behind a car.There is a ball in the box.复数:there are There are two


标签: there be就近原则口诀



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