

egg造句简单小学 2023-12-11 18:13 415 墨鱼


tomato的意思n. 番茄,西红柿,俚语] 美女tomato用法tomato可以用作名词tomato的基本意思是“番茄,西红柿”,用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。tomato可用1、tomatointomatosauce 2、large oval cherrytomato. 3、thick concentratedtomatopuree. 4、skipper intomatosauce 5、bacon, lettuce &tomatosandwich 6、I

北诏月见状也不去争抢,只是看着这个青年微笑:兄台何必自谦,这遣词造句甚是精妙,愚虽不才,对于诗文倒也是能鉴赏一二的。”他的目光在那碗白粥上停留片刻,慢慢1. There's a luscious young tomato working in our office. 我们办公室有个性感又漂亮的女孩。2. tomato在线翻译2. Tomatoes can be eaten raw. 西红柿可以生吃。tomato

(tomato) 13.daily talk 讲classroom日常对话初中英语1.词汇课,李云迪difficult,take part in ,competition ​ 2.阅读To deal with cultural shock 3.阅读“culture shock”prtomato造句复制1、Thetomatohit the wall with a splat.(西红柿啪的一声打在墙上。2、Without even seeing the menu, I knew I'd be ordering everytomatoon it.(甚至还

14、Tomato sauce, mascarpone, asparagus, cherrytomatoes. 15、We picked zucchini. We pluckedtomatoes. 16、I 'd like sometomatoesand mutton. 17、thick4.a fruit [tomato] grower水果[番茄] 栽培者5.Now, gently stuff the tomatoes with meat of tomatoes, beans shoot and pomegranate.把番茄肉、翡翠苗及石榴酿入番茄内。

27、tomatoeswon't keep in hot weather.(天气热,西红柿存不住。28、Do you liketomatoes?(你喜欢西红柿吗? tomatoes基本释义tomatoes 英[tə'mɑ:təʊz] 美[tə'mɑ:ttomato造句1.My mother always adds plenty of tomatoes when making a pot of soup, which greatly improves its taste. 2.I love to eat tomatoes in summer. Eating a to


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