

table音标怎么写 2023-12-04 17:10 454 墨鱼


可证实的真理并不依照外在的东西。It was not easy in the shed, in winter it was a veritable ice-box. 在这木棚里工作是很不容易的,这木棚冬天是个名副其以table 结尾的单词有好几百个,abatable abstractable acceptable accountable accreditable actable adaptableadjustable adoptable affectable agitable al

ˇωˇ table['teibl]USUK 2170人查过,107人收藏n.表,表格深入学习noun 1. 【释义】FURNITURE家具,a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs 桌子,台子:【例句table[ 'teibl ] n. a set of data arranged in rows and columns "see table 1" 同义词:tabular array a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually sup

∩^∩ 复数:tables现在分词:tabling过去式:tabled 搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. same table,wooden table v.+n. come table,table motion,table proposal,table resolution 权威英汉table [ˈteɪbl] 高中CET4CET6考研GRE 单词释义n.桌子,表,台子,几,就餐或玩牌等的)一桌人,一览表,竞赛等的)名次表,排名榜,积分表vt.(正式)提出,把…列入议事日程,将

盛宴;酒宴(高地德语banc = bench、table: 排列着菜肴的桌子) basket n. 篮子blanket n. 毯子(法文blanc = white) | blank 空白处bucket n. 水桶(古英文btable shape tape grape male whale pale sale drive fi ve wife dive arrive rice ice nice advice crime prime rise wise like bike hike fi ne line wine nine mine knife

He moved the table over to the center of the room.他把桌子移到房间中心。Mother told me to lay the table for breakfast.母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃早饭。以table为后缀的单词有哪些marketable a. 可销售的,销路好的,市场的;mutable a. 易变的,性情不定的;nondiscountable 非贴现的,不打折扣的;nonmarketable 不可流通的,无销


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