
wheredoyoufrom回答,什么areyou from

你从哪里来怎么回答 2023-11-30 16:30 827 墨鱼

wheredoyoufrom回答,什么areyou from

【英语面试技巧】如何回答“Where do you see yourself five years from now?”或“What do you plan to be doing five years from now?”如何阐述“你自己的5年规划”,这是很多面试中常出现的Couldyoupleasetellmeyour/his/hername?你/他/她叫什么名字?12、MynameisJane.我名叫简13、Whereareyoufrom?=Wheredoyoucomefrom?Whereishe/shefrom?=Wheredoeshe/shecomefrom?你/

where are you from的回答方式有:“I'm……后面加上你的国籍,也可以说“I'm from……后面加上你的国家的名字。1where are you from例句Where are you from? I'm from china. I'1、Where are you going? 你要去哪?2、Where is my pen? 我的钢笔在哪?3、Where is your mother? 你妈妈在哪?4、Where is his school bag? 他的书包在哪?5、Where are yo

Where are you from?/ Where are you coming from?Jack等⼀个外国客户来开会,他看客户迟到匆匆忙忙进来,想关⼼⼀下他刚才去了哪⾥。于是他问了⼀句Where are you from,外where do you come from是正确的。另一种正确的表达方式是:where are you from?前者是实义动词的用法;后者实系动

假设来自中国:1、直接回答”China.“2、回答“I come from China."我刚从商店回来。Where do you come from以上两个含义都可以表达,具体指哪种,要看语境,或者两个人的熟识程度。3) A: Where do you come from?你从哪里来?B: I come from work

精英家教网>小学英语>题目详情【题目】Where do you ___from? ( ) A.doB.liveCe 试题答案【答案】C 【解析】略练习册系列答案高分装备评优卷系列答案拓展阅读三问回答可以是"I come from Zhongshan Park."我从中山公园来.


标签: 什么areyou from



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