

determination造句 2023-11-21 13:50 923 墨鱼


∪^∪ 用compete造句如下:1、Always they compete for food. 他们总是在为食物而竞争。2、They had to compete wearing no clothes. 他们必须赤膊上阵进行比赛。3、We can compe..pete造句复制1、On the other hand, gender equality means women have tocompetein the workforce.(另一方面,性别平等意味着女性必须在工作中竞争。2、Boarding taug

>0< compete with (v.+prep.)【篇三】compete的⽤法例句  1. They are now trying to compete on an equal footing.  他们现在想要公平竞争。  2. Until the matter is re单词compete 例句大全,用单词compete造句:Katiecompetes in beauty pageants. 凯蒂的比赛是庆典表演。in which both men and womencompete. 男女都可以参加比赛,Or by any

We can't let up on our efforts tocompetewith other more successful firms. 在同其他那些更兴隆的公司竞争中,我们丝毫松懈不得. 《简明英汉词典》The childrencompeteaga22、We have the nationals where wecompete withthe schools on the West Coast as well. 23、As urban dwellers, they are too proud tocompete withmigrant

用compete造句挺难的The younger fellows were to compete in the running brood jump .小伙子们呢,要比赛急行跳远。The two girls competed with each other for the high1、competefor; contest for 2、activelycompetewith 3、competein a horse race. 4、Tocompetein a tournament. 5、Wecompetein many areas. 6、Life is thre


标签: relaxation造句



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