
takeplace发生造句简单,go back to造句

reach造句简单 2023-11-26 15:49 100 墨鱼

takeplace发生造句简单,go back to造句

take place 造句take place发生1、The action seems to take place on a giant ocean liner amid a terrifying storm. 故事发生在一艘巨大的客轮上,轮船正困在海上一场可怕3、take place 发生例句:When and where does the political scandal take place? 译文:这件政治丑闻是什么时候,在哪里发生的?例句:I think they may never

用take place造句扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报take place 表示发生.比如:Great changes have taken place in Chitakeplace造句take place(v.发生) 例句:Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached. 要进行多次长时间谈判才能达成协议. The fete will take p

ˋ△ˊ take place :发生,产生,举行,进行A car accident took place at this cross yesterday.(昨天这个十字路口发生了一起车祸。)A lot of changes have taken place in my hometowntake place造句复制1、Electionstake placeevery year.(每年都进行各项选举。2、Where will the draw for the cartake place?(汽车抽签将在哪里举行? 3、The summer Oly

They say that it will now take place on june 16th.Great changes have taken place in our hometown. take place是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态的。这句话,是我的初中英语老师写的例句。


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