

主语从句可以用if引导吗 2024-01-05 23:39 843 墨鱼


作为主语时,这种从句往往需要用it 作形式主语,而原句则放在后面,从而构成完整的句子。例如,“Whether we should go out for dinner tonight is still undecided.”(我们今Whether or not she'll come isn't clear. 她是否来还不清楚。此处whether引导主语从句。It all depends on whether we can get their cooperation. 这完全取决于我们是否

,小冲解析了that从句作句子主语的一种使用情况,比如“他不学习让我很生气”,就是That he doesn’t study makes me very angry. 千万不可说成:He doesn’t study makes me very angryIt doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形

●▽● Whether he will leave the city has not been known yet.Whether it will rain or not has not heard.Whether he has gone there has not been told yet.Whether Whether Peter will join the team building tomorrow 彼得明天是否会来参加团建活动一般疑问句变名词性从句,跟陈述句变名词性从句一样,该名词性从句可被看作一个整体名词,在句中

whether通常表示表示迟疑或两个可能性之间的选择,表示是否,可引导主语从句,表语从句,或同位语从句。1、whether有两种用法。用作连词时,意思是是否,是不是,可引导名词从句或比如:She was given a new pen by her father.翻译时将her father作主语。再如:Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country.翻译时



标签: whether句型



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