

some造句 2023-12-24 19:07 606 墨鱼


Learn to deliver targeted, useful advice and calmly accept criticism from others. Register for Career Circuit: Giving and Receiving Feedback which runs throughoutothers 我妈妈告诉我别做对不起人的事情9 Not only you but also me are all late 不仅你迟到了,我也迟到了10 we should keep on exersicing 我们应该坚持锻炼11 I will buy a cap from the

ˇ﹏ˇ 2、造句示例:(1)Coach others in your area of strength. 翻译:在自己的优势领域,给予他人辅导。2)That respect for others was a key component to reed 's rise to the 翻译:有些人喜欢独自旅行,而其他人则更喜欢和朋友或家人一起去。2. The Others: There are five people in the room, but the others have already left. 翻译:房间里有五

≥﹏≤ typical造句简单带翻译如下:1、This is typical for new staff.这是新员工的典型特点。2、The Taylors are a typicfascinating的用法(翻译中文及用法搭配简单造句) fascinate这个词就是表示“迷住、着迷”的最好的词。fascinate [ˈfæsɪneɪt] v.入迷;迷住;深深吸引sth fa

╯^╰ 用achieve,achieved,achieving造句1、All this cannot be achieved overnight. 这一切不是朝夕之间可做到的。I’ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我只完成了我原想17、一种翻译,终究不过是一种解释。比方说,有人翻译一句。冯友兰18、我希望以后能当一名翻译官,所以现在我要努力地学习。19、翻译:会开放战网和局域网对战吗?20、电脑可以很容易

wisely造句简单并且带翻译wisely的意思为聪明地,英明地。本文中,小编整理了这个单词的例句,欢迎阅读。1wisely造句1、He wisely contented himself with his family and his lov下面围绕“different造句子并翻译”主题解决网友的困惑different后面跟单数还是复数different有多个意思,表示“不同的;不一样的;有区别的”,侧重指与别的东


标签: hard造句简单小学



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