
be focus on造句,foucs on造句

focus in的用法 2024-01-08 23:47 322 墨鱼
focus in的用法

be focus on造句,foucs on造句

12、Would it be okay tofocus onsomething related to agriculture?(我可以专注于与农业有关的东西吗? 13、I pushed aside my sorrow, forcing myself tofocus onthe cominaTo hold my hand from the move to turn 握我的手从移动转动[translate] a好消息是The good news is[translate] a长期增长前景Long-term growth prospect[translate] abe

+▽+ 30、Learn From Your Mistakes - Don't dwell on the mistake,focus onthe lesson.be bad for造句1、That will be bad for your health. 2、This could be bad for us industry. 3、Violating military rules will certainly be bad for his

focus on every little thing 执着于每一件琐事; Focus on the Family 美国爱家协会近义词有:be centered on、centre around be centered on 集中于例句有:The key to qualit你们要集中精力学习。翻译是:You should be focused on study.重点词组:be focused on 集中在;例句]The requirement of Project Approach to teaching material

be focused on something:被集中于某事,侧重于,专注于It's only fitting that a SEMA concept car from Volvo be focused on safety. 这只是从恰当的沃尔沃SEMA车展的概念车例句释义:全部

ˋ▽ˊ 单词focus on 例句大全,用单词focus on造句:NewFocus onPeanut Allergies 聚焦花生过敏So it depends on what youfocus on 也就是看你专注于那个方面了Appropriatefocus ofocus on造句?A portable tv camera focused on him .一台便携式电视摄影机的镜头对着他。The baby's gaze focused on natalie .婴孩的眼光对着娜塔丽。His eyes focused on the l


标签: foucs on造句



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