

喜怒哀乐的英文分别是 2023-12-18 14:09 266 墨鱼



写心情的英语作文80词篇一:Many people are unhappy with the develpment of society.We care about everything and think about thousands of bad results b有关初中的英语作文80词带翻译篇1:旅游的意义Many people like traveling. They just feel happy when traveling. But not many people will think the meaning of travel

(-__-)b 多多积累,让你的英语作文生动起来#英语作文#英语美文#英语作文模板#好句摘抄分享#学英语#高考英语有关情绪的英语作文范文第一篇If they are not willing to work for you, they are free to say no, because you have to learn to detect passive aggress

关于”喜怒哀乐“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:pleasure, anger, sorrow, joy。以下是关于喜怒哀乐的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。高分英语作文14)Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother. 埃伦对她的母亲感到既绝望又生气。5)We expressed our disappointment, hurt and anger in the clearest possible way. 我们

ˇ△ˇ 优秀英语作文高中的第一天篇1 The first day when I go to high school, I felt excited, after 9 years’study, I felt I was so close to university, the dream always 关于喜怒哀乐的英语作文80词Good mood is a wealth of our valuable life , it makes you still anfdon't give up the hope of life even in despair; it makes you still to suff


标签: 喜怒哀乐用英语怎么说



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