
willbedoing变否定,will be to do

will否定式(缩写) 2024-01-04 10:40 460 墨鱼

willbedoing变否定,will be to do

错题分析:学生易写成luckily,但须注意横线前有be动词was,所以这里应该填形容词构成“系表结构”,再根据句意需在形容词lucky前加否定前缀un-构成相反意义的形没有will doing这个用法的一般将来时后面跟的是do 或者用will be doing i will do something是指我有这个意愿,打算但奏不奏效是以后的事,也是未必的.一般你没有太

8. Alex was doing his homework from eight to ten last night.(改为否定句) Alex___ ___ his homework from eight to ten last night. 9. I was doing some cooking at that tim3. New problems will inevitably arise as our society and economy develop. 4. She will be making a public appearance, signing copies of her latest nov

1.We will be playing computer games at this time tomorrow. (改为否定句) 2. 明天这个时候你会在干什么?答案:a. will call; will be sleeping will be doing will be watching4.We will have an English party February. 5.What do you have Tuesdays? 七、Read and choose.(选择最佳答案。10分) ( ) 1.I often watch TV and play ping

66. Tom does his homework every day.(改为否定句) Tom his homework every day. 67. I watch V at seven in the evening.(用Sandy代替句子主语) TV at seven in the evening. 68. Does the lion“be”动词的现在形“am/is/are”。而例句3中的“be”动词虽然没有变形但是为了表示“将来时间”,在其前附加上了“will”,所以从另外一个角度,我们可以理解“be”动词的将来形就

╯▽╰ will be doing的用法willbedoing是将来进行时的形式,表示在某个未来的时间点正在进行的动作。它由助动词will和be动词的现在分词doing组成。例如:1. I will be doing my homA.wroteB.willwriteC.havewrittenD.write 21.Hewasamanofstrongfeelings,___normallylayhiddendeepinsidehim. A.itB.thatC.thoseD.which 22.___hecome,theprob


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