
where is the,where is the picture

where is the bee 2023-11-10 22:02 606 墨鱼
where is the bee

where is the,where is the picture

【题目】Where is the ___? ( ) A.eggsB.vegetablesC.fruit 试题答案【答案】C 【解析】句意“水果在哪?”根据前面的is可知后面的名词应该是可数名词单数或不可数名词,AB都Where has the time gone? 也许,每个人在人生的某个时刻,都曾想过“我,为什么会出现在这个世界上?我的存在对于这个世界是否具有某种意义?”我也很多次想过这个问题,在清冷的早餐,在

少儿英语亲子伴读-where is the bed00:00 00:00 倍速当前设备不支持播放你可以刷新试试70017001.199-eb9bc3cdba70da7a3f71bc996c3ea8bb收藏分享手机看侵权/举报少儿英语亲Where is the…PPT课件意思是在哪里,通常放在句首构成疑问句,用来询问地点。Whereisthebird?Itisonthetable.在……上面Whereisthecat?Itisinthebag.在……里面Whereisth

Down the corridor and to the left/right 沿着走廊一直走然后转左/右Where is the……在哪里?How far is the……有多远? westinpz.weebly|基于5个网页3. 铅where is the的中文意思:点击查看详细解释:where is the的中文翻译、where is the的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握where is the这个短语。

Where is the……指特定的某东西在哪去掉the,就没有特指的意思哈祝您学习愉快~ 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《零基础直达BEC商务英语高级【4月班】》的学员和老师,如果想The National Memorial Arboretum is a UK registered charity (1043992) that relies on the generous support of our visitors, partners, friends and donors. We appreciate every donation l


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