

plausible造句 2023-12-01 19:10 909 墨鱼


29.My stomach begins togrumblearound lunch-time. 差不多中午饭的时候我的肚子就开始咕咕响。- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例好评(10)差评() 30.There was a smallgrumblefrom16、Home is the place where wegrumblethe most, but are often treated the best. 17、I've heard you often enough, mother,grumbleat the English Sunday

grumble造句grumble造句1、He has everything he needs; he has nothing togrumbleabout. 他需要的都得到了,他没有什么可抱怨的。2、Yet, they like togrumbleand are lavgrumbler的造句和例句:1. He is a grumbler .他是一个爱抱怨的人。2. These are grumblers , finding fault , following after their own lusts ; they speak arrogantly ,

grumble造句1、Polesgrumble about such things. They should fix them, too.(波兰人也抱怨这几点,他们应该能处理好这些事。2、Firefightersgrumble that their lives are put at risk saving They grumble about how hard they have to work. 他们抱怨自己工作得很辛苦。My main grumble is about the lack of privacy. 我最想抱怨的是缺乏隐私。Wh

A touristgrumbled that the waiter spoke too much Spanish. 一位游客埋怨服务员说西班牙语太多。展开更多n. 咕哝;哼声;轰隆声展开简明例句One could ofgrumblev.[I] 1.抱怨,发牢骚,嘟囔2.咕哝,发哼声,咕隆,发轰隆声n. 1.抱怨,牢骚,嘟囔2.咕哝,隆隆声最新单词chylorrhea的中文意思乳糜溢chylopoietic是什么意思及反义词乳

grumble ['grʌmbl] v.发牢骚,抱怨,轰鸣n.怨言,牢骚,轰隆声例句与用法:He has everything he needs, but he is still full ofgrumbles. 他需要的一切都得到了,却还牢Thunder begins to grumble in the distance. 远处,雷声已经开始隆隆作响。查看更多用作名词(n.) I don't want to hear another grumble from you. 我不愿


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