
have fun的翻译,be made of中文翻译

last night的翻译 2023-12-07 17:06 444 墨鱼
last night的翻译

have fun的翻译,be made of中文翻译

have fun发音意思翻译玩得开心玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍相似词语短语have in───贮存have on───穿着;戴着;有事在手头上;使上钩have out───讨论或争论得Christmas is a time tohave fun withdecorations. 圣诞节是拿装饰品开心的时间. 期刊摘选Tonight I finally get to relax andhave fun withmy friends. 我看一切都准备好了

have fun:玩得开心。that's why i love nightlife; it's where i can escape and have fun. 这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。i guess i like to have f"have fun"是一种常用的英文表达,用于祝愿他人在特定活动中玩得开心、尽情享受。它传达了对他人快乐的祝愿和鼓励,希望他们能够在特殊的时刻或者日常生活中找到乐趣和快乐。在

have fun的意思、解释adj. have fun 基本解释玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍;have fun 网络解释1. 有乐趣:主题:Re: [伍聚] Re: 答复:宜家(ikea)店铺强行锁包,违反人权,1、have fun:意思:玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍例句:That's why I love nightlife; it's where I can escape

have fun have fun 基本解释玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍;have fun 网络解释18. I`m sorry you didn`t have fun on your day off. I`m sorry 在这里表示对某人的同情,如19沪江词库精选have fun是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语玩得开心相似短语have fun (with) 玩得开心have fun with 玩得开心have fun 玩得开心have a barrel of fun

havefun的中文翻译,玩的愉快、玩的开心、玩的高兴。双语例句:You and I can have fun。你和我可以玩得很开心。That is why I love nightlife; it is where I can escape and have fhave fun 是什么意思及中文翻译:玩得高兴,过得快活耍笑玩耍包含have fun的短语更多> have funwith玩得开心You have tohave funtogether. 你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。


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