
fall down,go down

break down 2023-11-20 15:29 351 墨鱼
break down

fall down,go down

fall down in a heap—崩倒fall (go down)—伏up here, down there (idiom); rise and fall in succession—此起彼伏也可见:fall动—倒动· 倒下动· 跌动·This basket is full of eggs; don't let itfall down. 篮子里装满了鸡蛋,不要跌翻了. 辞典例句You must watch your step so as not tofall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌

≥▽≤ Fall down的意思是“倒下”,比如:The old man fell down on the street.(老人在街上摔倒了。)例句:The little girl fell down the stairs and hurt her leg.(小女孩摔下楼梯,fall down 美[fɔl daʊn] 英[fɔ:l daun] na.(向下游)流下;〔美俚〕失败;跌倒;同“fall”网络堕天;物体落地;同本义第三人称单数:falls down现在分词:falling down过去式:f

fall down[fɔ:l daun] 释义:倒塌,跌倒;失败;趴架;栽倒;例句:The house was so old that it was decaying and about to fall down. 那所房子太旧,已经朽了,不久就要倒塌fall down [英[fɔ:l]美[fɔl]] fall down的意思、解释过去式:fell; v.落下;跌倒;减少;沦陷n.落下;瀑布;秋天;减少网络坠落;下降;秋天;落更多


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