
run low on,walton

run low on money 2023-12-24 21:40 561 墨鱼
run low on money

run low on,walton

非常口语化的表达,泛指消耗物不足,不够了,runs low on gas --- 汽油不够了。。。run lowon sth. 某物的数量快不够用了,库存低to nearthe end of a supply of something 也可以说runshort of sth. eg: We'rerunning low on paper towels rig

I'm running short on cash. I'm running short on time today. 我没有任何空闲时间I don't have any free time. 你可能还会看到run low on You might also see run low on.Especially if yourun lowon food. 尤其是食物快吃完的时候. 互联网When werun lowon stationery, it is the assistant's job to order more. 当我们文具不足时,加订是助理

5. run low on . 缺少,快没了hey, can i borrow some money from you? i'm running a little bit low on cash. 我能跟你借点钱,我手头有点紧we're running out of time, you're rrun low 里的run同样不是“跑”的意思。run low表示缺少、用完。We're running low on paper towels right now, so use them judiciously. 快没有厕纸了,省着点用。No.2 quid pro

▲ 关键词👉startup, run business ▼戳图复习▼ THURSDAY ▲「run low」可不是「跑低了」真实的意思是▲ 关键词👉order, supply, run low on ▼戳图复习▼ FRIDAY ▲「long💢 run low on sth 🇨🇳 ( 消耗物)耗尽, 用完, 很少📖 这里的low并非指咱们常说的“低的”,它在这里有另一层含义- (供应品)短缺的例句:Actually, we’re running low on gree


标签: walton



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