

用sweeping造句 2023-12-04 18:51 451 墨鱼


单词SWEAT 例句大全,用单词SWEAT造句:Turns out, a whiff ofsweathas the ability to turn a frog into a prince. 原来,一股汗味儿就能使青蛙变王子。Maokusweater dress I woke up in a sweat. 我醒来时浑身是汗。牛津词典She completed the routine without even working up a sweat . 她完成了一套常规动作,连汗都没出。牛津词典He breaks

1. sweat out : 出一身汗以去掉,吃力地干以求达到目的,忍受到底,等待到底;2. sweat it out : 束手无策地等待某事物;3. no sweat : 不费力地;sweat 相关例句及物动词1、Thesweatglands excretessweat. 2、sweats;sweatoil;sweatdistillate oil 3、apocrinesweatgland 4、He was drippingsweat. 5、Perspiration cooling;sweat

sweat造句1. After a long run, I was covered in sweat and desperately needed a shower. 2. The intense heat made me sweat profusely, causing my clothes to stick toThe hot sun made him exude sweat. 烈日晒得他汗流浃背。His back was beaded with sweat. 他的背上布满了汗珠。Sweat was pouring down his face. 他满头大汗。He broke

sweat off造句1、She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face.她站起来擦掉脸上的汗水。2、It's worse than the smell of sweat off someone's nasty body.也比那个人脏兮sweat造句复制1、He woke up soaked withsweat.(他醒了,浑身大汗淋漓。2、After an hour he realized he was completely running withsweat.(一个小时后,他发现自己已是


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