

英语作文自动生成器 2023-12-12 22:54 630 墨鱼


英文作文范文10篇带翻译【优选3篇】一第一篇Last weekend I was busy .on saturday morning ,I was at the library,I read an interesting book,in the afte英语作文范文10篇(第1篇) When my friends ask me to take pictures of them, they will take a lot of pictures and then only keep a few of them. Because t

英语作文1 Hello, Good morning, lady and gentleman, How do you do, glod to meet you, Im Zhao Ye, Im Studuing Xi Da Jie primary school of Jiu quan, my 把12年到22年的高考英语满分范文做了整理,可以打印下来用,共15页,一次只能发九张图,所以分为两次发。这篇是前8页,即2012-2018年的作文范文。使用方法:90分以下:直接拿来背。90分

下面老师为大家准备了10篇英语作文范文,可以拿来背一背。一,如何减压让生活更美好二,是否应该帮助陌生人三,沉迷网络游戏四,怎样学好英语五,怎样保持英语作文篇1 I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep

初中英语作文篇1 请以“…Make(s) Me So Happy”为题写一篇英语短文。Social Work Makes Me So Happy Why so many young people are not happy in modern so高中大部分学生都把英语学习的重心放在阅读理解、听力选择、填空这些题型上,往往忽略了写作这一块的分值,由于对写作的忽视,导致大家拿不到满分作文,缺少对优秀范文、好词好句、写


标签: 英语作文参考范文



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