
be worthy of 用法,be worthy of和be worth doing

be worthy of to be done 2023-11-26 18:24 416 墨鱼
be worthy of to be done

be worthy of 用法,be worthy of和be worth doing

be worthy to be done 值得(做) worthy to be considered 值得考虑的worthy of note 值得注意的,显著的相似单词worthy a. 1.应得某事物;值得做某事2.可尊敬的3.有(某人或事物)的典型特be worthy of+名词/名词性短语/动名词的被动形式;be worthy of+being done 过去分词;be worthy of+sth 某物(something);例句:How hard she would try to be wor

?ω? 5、作定语时意思为“有价值的”、“值得尊敬的”、“应受到赏识的”;用作表语时意思为“值得……的”、“应得到……的”,其后接of sth.,也可以后接to do sth1. Be worthy of praise/kudos/respect 意为“值得赞扬/称赞/尊重”,用来形容某个人或事物的品质、能力、行为等值得赞扬或称赞。例如:- His dedication to his work is trul

He is worthy of filling / to fill the post. 这个职位他当之无愧。He is worthy to receive/ of receiving such honor. 他应该得到这种荣誉。4.若be wort"be worthy of"的用法通常是这样的:主语be worthy of 名词或代词。它通常用于表扬或赞扬某人或某物,因为他们已经做了某些值得称赞的事情。它也可以用于形容某人或某物具备某

+ω+ be worthy of 英语:“be worthy of”大词典A 大词典B 大词典C 值得,配得上例句与用法:We esteem him tobe worthy oftrust. 我们认为他值得信任。给力牛津词典200万的英应该用The book is worthy of being bought.

而如果是be worth doing就直接表示被动的意思,可以说


be worthy of 英美值得,配得上be worthy of的用法和样例:例句We esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我们认为他值得信任。be worthy of的相关资料:临一、be worthy of"的基本用法"Be worthy of"是一个表示价值、品质或价值的词组,通常用来描述一个人或事物是否值得某种评价或待遇。它的基本用法是:主语+ be worthy of +


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