

用it造句子带翻译 2023-12-14 19:22 349 墨鱼


词语it造句,用it造句:351 在Go-ForIt项目中我们几乎是马上就遇到了这种左右为难的困境。352 to deal with these drug cartels, not think of a way can not catch all in o1. It is raining outside. 2. It is important to stay hydrated in hot weather. 3. It is difficult to learn a new language without practice. 4. It is necessary to w

it造句复制1、itworks, at least I thinkitdoes.(它行,反正我认为它行。2、itreally isn't half bad, isit?(这的确很不错,对吗? 3、itdidn't seem worthwhile writingitit造句1、Fire it. Burn it. 2、Remember it. Savor it. 3、But it wasn't it. 4、We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account fo

首先,他是“听说读写口语最高”俱乐部的新成员,口语分数碾压其他三门。写作还差0.5,我们一起为他加油!不光是雅思,英语能力进步的关键就在造句能力的提升。Think about it, 造句能力1、It was a happy day.2、It is kind of you to help me .3、It was lucy who finished the work 4、It is a small room.5、It is on the bed,6、It is a nice dr

It’s no use / good …doing sth. It takes sb. Some time to do sth. 2、多用固定搭配及短语。句型是句子的骨架,词汇是构成句子的材料。造句时,在使用单词的同时,要尽可能多It is (high time, time, about time)+(that) +主语+谓语(用should+动词,或一般过去时) It+be+(a pity, a shame, a fact, good news)+that 从句It is useless /no use/ no good +


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