
cut off英文例句,write off造句

off的用法 2023-12-26 13:30 132 墨鱼

cut off英文例句,write off造句

第三人称单数:cuts off现在分词:cutting off 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义cut-off 显示所有例句n. 1. 截止点;界限a point or limit when you stop sth 2. [pl] 剪短的cut-offn.1.截止点,界限2.【复数】剪短的裤子a.【只在名词前】裤腿剪短的英语解释cut off and stop detached by cutting remove surgically cease, stop remove by or as if by cutting make a

12、As for bidding for the World Cup, wecut offourselves before others cut us off. 13、In a noisy world, stay quiet with yourself for a day,cut offcut out 切掉;删掉;割掉;省略cut up 切碎,切掉;使丧气,使痛心例句She cut off a big piece of beef from the steak. 她从牛排上切下一大块肉来。The count

cut off基本解释vt.切除;切[隔]断;剪[切,砍]下;迅速离开;疾病等)使(人)死亡cut off的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释All bail-out funds would becHe cut off the branches from the trunk. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。Please help me to cut off the rinds of lemons. 请帮我去掉柠檬的皮。The shark's

] 英音: ] 1. 切除He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指。2. 切断;中断I was cut off on my line to London. 我打伦敦5、在經濟蕭條深受影響的民營企業中,許多研發成果都被cut off了。6、在得知某個製造業的收入下滑的波動,銷售部門有部分員工被cut off。7、利率的上升會給企業帶來負面影響,

+^+ 单词cut off 例句大全,用单词cut off造句:These great beasts are four kings who will becut offfrom the earth. 这四个大兽就是四王将要在世上兴起。terminating abruptl2. Cut the crusts off when you make sandwiches. 做三明治时要把焦皮切掉. 3. Cutting up dead animals to find out how they are made was thought a disgusting thing to


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