
hard work it is,million years ago

how hard work 2023-12-04 10:42 618 墨鱼
how hard work

hard work it is,million years ago

新目标八年级英语下册Unit eg:It is hard work.那是一项艰苦的工作。I have lots of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。12edu.cn|基于2个网页例句释义:全部第三步What a nice girl(she is)! B. He runs very fast. 第一步He runs very fast. 第二步He runs/How fast. 第三步How fast he runs! C.They are working ha

hard work it is前面加什么

___ hard work it is! [ ] A. What a B. How a C. What D. How 试题答案在线课程C 练习册系列答案西城学科专项测试系列答案小考必做系列答案小考实战系列答案小考复习be kept in mind In this way, even if the needle cylinder is larger and the needle pricking is painful, it is easy to have all kinds of knowledge. There is no need to wor

hard work it is 感叹句

●^● ()hard work it is ! 空里面是填What,此题涉及到感叹句的知识点,how引导的感叹句,被强调的部分是形容词或者副词,而what引导的感叹句,被强调的部分是名词,【题目】_ hard work it is! ( ) A.What aB.HowC.What试题答案【答案】C 【解析】句意:这是多么艰难的工作。感叹句,what后面加名词,how后面加形容词。此处hard work艰难

核心短语/词汇:hard work :困难的工作句子译文:-多么困难的工作!解析:本题考查what与how引导的感叹句。what引导的感叹句后面接的是名词(短语),how引导的感叹句后面接的是形3.If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, however great it is. 三、time相关(5) 8.第一次…每次…一…就…时间状从) the first

③ Mr. Li is going to teach us history next term. ④ Here is a pen. Give it to Tom. ⑤ Does he leave any message for me? (七)写出下列句子的结构1必应词典,为您提供hard-work-it-is的释义,用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。


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