
用that问可以用this答吗,什么时候用This is 回答

用this回答用什么提问 2023-12-30 22:51 475 墨鱼

用that问可以用this答吗,什么时候用This is 回答

国内版国际版只用which不用that的情况:(1)which引导非限制性定语从句,that则不能。He had failed in the maths exam,which made his father very angry. (2)在介词提前的定语从句中,只用which

>△< 不可以的,习惯上都是用It's回答。“What's this(that)”是一个特殊疑问句。如果问别人“这(那)是什么东西?”时,如果这个包包确实属于我们,那么我们可以回答“This(is mine).”(是我的。有时候,我们也可以在答语中加上一些修饰词来进一步强调,比如“This is definitely mine.”(这肯

您好朋友[开心],what's this的回答,有几种?It's可以,this is和that is可以的拓展补充:如果指的是距离较近的物体,可以使用"This is",如果指的是距离较远的物this和that是指示代词,多指物。1、距离说话人近的人或物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:例如:This is a car. 这是一辆车。近处)That is a bird. 那是一只鸟

I understand that this is a company on the rise. As I've read on your website and in 请问最早什么时候可以开始申请豁免和考试。是否有资料可以提前学习?Ans. The learning materials are the assets and benefits for the registered QP students only, please note

≥^≤ 6.Youshouldkeepinmindthat大家一定要记住……7.Youarenotallowedtounless除非……否则大家不可以……8.Youcangetaccesstoonlyif只有……大家才能使用……末段__12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice. 12 预防性原则,可以说遵循FSA的建议是13 。On the basis of以为基础,


标签: 什么时候用This is 回答



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