

allowed造句简单 2023-12-22 13:22 248 墨鱼


precedence rules的造句和例句:1. This occurs because calculation precedence rules have changed 这是因为计算优先规则已更改。2. Calculation precedence rules 计算优用precedes造句挺难的the we should always precede the i . 集体总应先于个人。i will put some trust in preceding navigators . 我对前辈航海家还是寄予几分信赖的。t

precede 相关例句及物动词1. A major precedes a captain. 少校军阶高于上尉。2. precede 2. He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests. 他在正式讲演前,先对来权威造句1. He gestured to Alice toprecedethem from the room. 他给艾丽斯做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。来自柯林斯例句2. Attributive adjectivesprecedethe noun. 定语形容词位于名词前

˙ω˙ precede造句复制1、Because nodes know nothing about the nodes thatprecedethem, each node is itself the start of a list.(由于节点完全不了解它们之前的节点,所以每个26、For instance, subjects are given three words such as "age", "mile" and "sand"—and asked to come up with a single word that canprecedeor follow

单词precede 例句大全,用单词precede造句:Stone tools precede bronze tools.石器先于青铜器出现。The we should always precede the I.集体总应先于个人。Certain sign pr单词certain 例句大全,用单词certain造句:Certainsign precedecertainevent. 事情发生,必有先兆。Certainsign precedecertainevent . 事情发生,必有先兆。Are you absolu

It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction. 你给这份报告前面加上一段引言会更好些He gestured to Alice to precede them from the rooPrecedency [prɪ'si:dənsɪ] 解釋/意思:(n.) The act or state of preceding or going before in order of time; priority; as, one event has precedence of another. (n


标签: upswing造句



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