

widespread造句 2023-12-23 21:30 728 墨鱼


roughly I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it. 我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。The living conditions were a bit rostruggle造句1、On theStrugglebetween the Monarchy and Parliament in Early Stuart 斯图亚特王朝早期议会与王权的斗争2、Thestruggleof the weak against their oppress

roughly 1. Petty criminals in the eighteenth century got the rough end of the stick when they were transported to Australia for what we would now regard as minor slightly造句1、The child's activity level interferes only slightly with his ORR her performance. 孩子的活动量对他的表现产生轻微的妨碍。2、Spanning roughly 5 kil

25、I hadroughlyabout 2,500 francs in my pocket. Roughly, I say. I wasn't counting by francs any more. A hundred, or two hundred, more or less - it 3. He playedroughlywith the baby. 他粗鲁地与这个婴儿玩耍。roughly网络解释1. 粗魯地:RA: 我是Ra, 你可以摄取一些物质促使肉体载具经验更多能量的变貌,这些物质是粗糙

2. The teacher treated his studentsroughly. 这老师粗暴地对待他的学生。3. The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealtroughlywith foreigners on severa英英网络释义roughly 显示所有例句adv. 1. 大约;大致;差不多approximately but not exactly 2. 粗暴地;粗鲁地using force or not being careful and gentle 3. 粗糙地;凹

˙△˙ 单词roughly 例句大全,用单词roughly造句:He was pushedroughlyaside. 他被粗暴地推到了一边。A floorroughlyboarded over. 马马虎虎铺起来得地板。Roughlyeight or nine 6、Of course,roughly 200 years ago, Indianapolis was an upland forest of beech and maple.(当然,大约200年前,印第安纳波利斯是一片山毛榉和枫树的山地森林。7、He kne


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