

Wonderful造句 2023-12-11 18:13 213 墨鱼


Saturday是我一周中最放松的一天。我准备利用这个Saturday去爬山。Saturday这一天,阳光明媚,风景宜人。Saturday是一个让人期待和感到愉悦的日子。用satisfy造句有时候我们需要单词saturday 例句大全,用单词saturday造句:How about nextSaturday? 下周六如何?Alan will at home onSaturday. 星期六艾伦在家。Saturdayrs difficult, I am afraid. 星

1. We have a general cleaning every Saturday. 每星期六下午我们大扫除。2. We had a trip to the coast last Saturday. 上星期六我们到海边旅行去了。3. When you go sh1. The meeting is arranged for saturday afternoon .会议安排在星期六下午。2. The scouts plan to sleep out next saturday .童子军打算下星期六去露营。3. He is comin

1、France are playing against Wales onSaturday.(星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。2、Let's do a swap. You work Friday night and I'll doSaturday.(咱俩调个班吧。你星期五Another flight would be arranged on Saturday if sufficient demand arose. 如果需求量足够大,周六将再安排一趟航班。来自柯林斯例句8. She had a call from him on Satu

1、Life imitates "Saturday Night Live." 2、Just tried watchingSaturday Night Live- unwatchable! 3、Trev: How aboutSaturday Night Live? 4、He appeare6.Saturday 星期六【造句】Today is Saterday. 【翻译】今天周六。7.Sunday 星期日【造句】Well, will there is any Sunday in June, which falls on a


标签: polite造句简单一些



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