

bringout造句简单初二 2023-12-02 17:42 410 墨鱼


1. The heartfelt speech by the bride's father touched everyone's hearts at the wedding. (新娘父亲真挚的演讲触动了婚礼上所有人的心灵。2. The charity organizationheart造句复制1、Myheartwas thumping with excitement.(我激动得心怦怦跳。【好工具hao86】2、I felt myheartbeating faster.(我感觉心脏跳得更快了。3、Herheart

Angela broke Brad's heart last year. He can't get over her. 安吉拉去年伤了布拉德的心。他忘不了她。I think losing the job broke his heart. 我认为失自IGN说《SMT5》是“Persona without the heart”之后,群里纷纷开始了造句大赛。我塞:Metroid is hollowknight without the heart我:Ninja Gaiden is Nioh without the heart在

At that time, the feeling of my heart is abasement, abashed, cannot accept.当时,我内心的感受是屈辱、羞愧、无法接受。英文例句大全为您提供Heart英文例句大全,Heart英Can the heart’s flame die in the flame of the funeral pile? (8)灯神秘地熄灭了,我们在完全的黑暗中跌跌撞撞。The lights mysteriously failed, and we s

1、heart-to-hearttalk 2、heart-to-heartservice 3、heartsurgery;heartpatients. 4、Youaremysweet-heart 5、aheart-to-heartchat 6、Let's talkheart-to-heheart 造句/ 例句1. Herheartraced uncontrollably. 她的心脏难以控制地急速跳动起来。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. Myheartwas knocking wildly. 我的心怦怦直跳。《牛

因此,铭记造句子只是成功的第一步,将知识应用到实践中,才是我们不断前进的动力和源泉。一造句子微笑是面对生活的秘诀,无论遇到什么困难和挑战,都要学会微笑heart造句1.The doctor listened to my heart with a stethoscope. 2.I could feel my heart pounding in my chest during the intense race. 3.She wore her heart on her s


标签: heartbroken造句



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