

把什么什么称为的英文 2023-12-13 10:20 161 墨鱼


⊙ω⊙ 颠倒的英文:(v) confused get backwards reverse (adj) crazy deranged 参考例句:Often misspells receive by transposing the e and the i. 常因颠倒e和i的vt.使倒转;使颠倒双语例句:The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destinati

大家在记忆英文单词的时候会发现一个有趣的现象,那就是一个单词的字母顺序颠倒之后会变成另外的一个单词。接着一起来学习吧~ 1.tug n. 用力拉拖曳苦干挣扎绳索v. 用力拉--- g3.overturn vt.,vi.打翻;(使)翻过来;(使)倒转颠覆;打倒4.perversion n.颠倒,曲解5.upend v.颠倒,倒放6.upside down adv.颠倒,混乱

颠倒过来invert相关短语invert instruction 倒数指令invert image 倒象,反象invert market 倒挂市场invert elevation 底板高程,底拱高程invert gate 反相门invert su颠倒过来的英文翻译基本释义invert quite the other way very much the other way all the other way 颠倒过来的用法和样例:例句她丈夫上晚班,听以她把白

英语字典:颠(dian,)倒(dao,dao,) “颠倒”的英语翻译词典解释dian dao 1.upside down; head over heels 2.to turn something upside down; to overturn 3.the other way Flip: /flɪp/ 翻转Flip it over: 把它翻过来Turn: /tɜːn/ 转动,翻过来Turn it over: 把它翻过来煎蛋只煎一面的荷包蛋叫做:Sunny side upWould you like your eggs sunny side

颠倒过来的英文发音:用"颠倒过来"造句end for end invert 颠倒:put upside down; o 过来:come over; come up 颠倒过来;掉过头:end for end 下载手机词典可随时随地查“结构颠倒的”、“前后倒置的”。✅ “upside down”,通常形容事物“倒过来,头朝下”,引申含义:“翻得乱七八糟”。✅ “reverse”,既是是名词也是动词


标签: 上下颠倒英文



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