

写正能量偶像的英语作文 2023-12-11 23:50 894 墨鱼


[编辑]我的偶像艾伦·艾弗森我的偶像艾玛沃森作文(精品多篇)为好范文网的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。有关我的偶像艾伦·艾弗森范文(精篇一可你偏偏是我的妈妈。My favorite sports player is Allen Iverson.Iverson, he is a legend in national basketball association. In 1996, he was accepted by the Team 76ers with t

高分英语作文1:Iverson Iverson basketball player a 6-foot-tall guard, Iverson played college basketball at Georgetown University for two years. Later, he was chosen by PPeople say that Iverson is among the greatest guards of his age and one of the best scorers(投篮手)in the history of NBA games.A great example of someon

≥△≤ 篇1:我的偶像初中英语作文我的偶像初中英语作文My idol is Chairman Mao. I think he must be many people’s idol. He is agreat hero. It is him makes us live a better life我的偶像六年级作文篇1 每个人都有偶像,在我的心里,tfboys,就是我人生中奋斗的目标,向着自己的偶像去学习,是一件多么了不起的事情,我记住我所说的:把tfboys 当我的偶像奋

我的偶像(英语介绍艾弗森).ppt ——阿伦.艾弗森一个飘忽的精灵,一个联盟里多年的得分王,一个拥有乔丹大帝精神力量的“坏小子”。传奇的一代,让我们一起看看“我的偶像艾伦·艾弗森作文篇1 艾弗森一米八几的身高在NBA中都算矮的,但是这却成为了他在NBA的一大优势,矮小的身高让他能在高大的防守球员中来去自如,再加上他

相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编帮大家整理的我读书我快乐作文,希望能够帮助到大家我有一个偶像艾弗森,他是NBA篮球联赛丹弗掘金队的当家球星。他高分英语作文1:My Idol Yao Ming is a famous basketball player in China. He is so excellent that he joined the NBA when he was old. He is proud of our


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