
more than引导比较状语从句,比较级从句

than后面动词的用法 2023-12-15 19:00 115 墨鱼

more than引导比较状语从句,比较级从句

引导比较状语从句的连词主要是as和than,通过其他手段与它们结合便形成了各种不同的比较。原级:as…as(和……一样), not so(as) …as…和……不一样) 比较级:Nothing is more unpleasant than finding [to find] insects in your bath. 最使人不快的是在浴室里发现有虫子。三、引导比较状语从句的时态问题若than引

(3) more…than用在比较状语从句中时,意为“比……更……与其……倒不如……”。•He is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。•The book seems to be more 比较状语从句常用的句型有as…as, 与more than结构。例如:A taxi doesn’t goasfastasa plane does. 出租汽车不能跑得像飞机一样快。He doesn't studyas(so)

表示比较关系的状语从句通常是由than和as引导:than引导的比较状语从句:She made fewer mistakes than you did. There were more casualties than was repor比较状语从句adverbial clause of comparison 句型3 ①more than ②as…as…1- more than①She earns more money than I earn. 避免重复do代替earn↓②She earns more than I

There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 这是一个典型的than引导more than比较状语从句的英语小技巧!比较状语从句用than引导必须1 确认比较的甲乙双方(than之后为乙,than之前和乙对等!!为甲)2 确认比较的内容(看谓语动词)3 确认比较的

≥0≤ 一、在英语状语从句学习中,有一种从句是由:原级:as…as(和……一样),not so(as)…as …和不一样);比较级:more…than(更);最高级:The most…in/of, the + 形容词+est…of/inThan在引导比较状语从句时,绝大多书语法书称其为从属连词。语法书和词典还说than也可以是介词。作为连词的than后接从句,作为介词的than后接宾格代词。如:Clar


标签: 比较级从句



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