

reassurance造句 2023-12-21 12:45 204 墨鱼


retention pond造句1、Detention pond and retention pond are rainwater control structures used in almost every new development project in U. s. 更新英汉英英网络释义retention 显示所有例句n. 1. 保持;维持;保留the action of keeping sth rather than losing it or stopping it 2. (液体、热量等的)保持,阻滞the actio

╯0╰ 1、So, we want you to have someretention here.(所以,我希望你们能留住些东西。2、He argues strongly forretention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.(他据理力争北大西retentionof placenta after abortion. 半产胞衣不下The defaultretentionage is seven days. 默认的保持期为七天。I have aretentionfeeling after urinating. 我有残尿感

1. retention 1. 保持力:Oliver等人进行的元分析研究表明,团队凝聚力与很多重要指标,如团队/个人作业绩效,工作/军队满意度,保持力(retention)和福利(well-being)有正相关,与retentirent造句例句与造句Ce même jour, les environs du fort Saint-Charles retentirent des coups de feux. En 1793 et en 1815, les canons ennemis retentirent enc

6、retentioncyst of salivary gland 7、Another problem was employeeretention. 8、The answer is userretention. 9、Fixed storage arearetentionfilter. 1retention 是什么意思音标: ri'tenʃən ] 中文翻译与英英解释n.1.保留,保持,意见等的)保留。2.保持力,记忆力;保留物。3.〔古语〕拘押,监禁;扣留。4.【医学】分泌闭止,

His retention of energy at this hour is really surprising. 人们惊叹他在这个时候还能保持如此旺盛的精力。I know that your powers of retention 我清楚1、It processes each record according to a retention rule.它可以根据一种保持规则来处理每条记录。2、Visual ma


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