
make up等于什么短语,make up同义词替换

make up of什么意思 2023-12-11 21:45 398 墨鱼
make up of什么意思

make up等于什么短语,make up同义词替换

make up something artificial or untrue devise or compose put in order or neaten 相似短语make it up和好,言归于好;赔偿某人的损失make up for补偿,弥补to make up fo3. make还可以构成大量短语:make a decision (下决定) , make a face / faces (做鬼脸), make friends with (与……交友), make progress (取得进步),make sure (确信、弄清楚), m


短语:be made in 在…地方制造be made of 由…制造(看得出原材料) be made from 由…制造(看不出原材料) be made up of 由…组成(consist of) make up 组成,捏造,化妆,弥补make To add up to:等于:Two and two make four.二加二等于四(35)To amount to:接近,相当于:makes no difference.没有什么区别(36)To constitute the essence or nature of:架构:构成…

make up 等于什么

∪﹏∪ Can you make him out? 你能理解他吗?I couldn’t make out what he meant. 我不懂他是什么意思。看清,辨认出。如:I can’t make out his handwriting. 我She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarr

make up是什么短语

一、make的短语:1、make up 弥补; 构成; 编造; 组成2、make sense 讲得通; 有意义; 有道理; 言之有理3、ma短语:make up,弥补、构成、编造、组成;make sense,讲得通、有意义、有道理、言之有理;make for,走向、有助于、促进、导致;make friends,交朋友、友好相处、交友诀窍、交个朋友吧;mak

make up几种意思

2.make up of 常用于被动语态,为be made up of,意为“由……组成”,句中主语为整体,of 后为个体成员。例句1:A team is made up of ten players. 一个队由十个队员组成。例句2:Society is ma如:We can make up the money.我们凑不足钱。8) 准备好,做好。如:Bring the sheets and make up the bed.拿床单来把床铺好。包含单词make的高中英语短语make


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