
stick as,stick with

stick to stick with 2023-11-24 10:18 653 墨鱼
stick to stick with

stick as,stick with

stick 纠错英[stɪk] 美[stɪk] v. 粘,贴;铭记在心,经久不忘;刺,扎,戳;随便)摆放,放置;伸出,突出;卡住,钉住;容忍,忍受;名字)流传下去,被众人采用;被接受,被证明成立;牌b:walking stick the old lady leant on her stick as she talked. 老太太说话时拄着拐棍。c:球棍a long thin object that is used in some sports to hit o

8. She ran in to administer a good belt with herstick. 她跑进来用棍子一记暴打。9. A child at play may use astickas an aeroplane. 玩耍时的孩子会用棍子当飞机。10. [no ostick 基本解释及物/不及物动词粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入及物动词容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延或推迟名词棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍stick 同义词动词p

1、Stick:  As a noun: a piece of wood, a short branch from a tree   作为名词:棍棒;枝条  As a verb: to stick- when something adheres to a surface   作为He is not such a badstick. 他人不算坏。n. 批评,指责展开简明例句The referee got a lot ofstickfrom the home fans. 裁判饱受主队球迷的指责。n. 拐杖展开简明例句The o

∩▂∩ 6. The old man leaned on his walking stick as he walked down the street. 7. The chef used a stick blender to puree the soup. 8. The hockey player was penalized fo名词stick: an implement consisting of a length of wood a small thin branch of a tree a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevato

ˇ0ˇ Synonyms of stick 1 : a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: such as a : a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch b : a custick stamp,stick finger 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义sticks 显示所有例句v. 推入push sth in 1. [t][i] 将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入to push sth, usually a sharp


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