

late造句子简单易学 2023-12-09 14:59 670 墨鱼


27、Do not cheat on test, anddonot forge signatures. 28、Whatdoyoudowith rice straw in your country? 29、Whatdothey want todowith the heirlooms?不会吧。1 Did you play football yesterday ? 昨天你踢足球吗?2 What did you do last Sunday ? 你上个星期天做什么事?3 I did my homework last night ?

中英文翻译短语和例子do1 vt. (did done 陈述语气第三人称单数现在式does ) 1.行,为,作,做,办,干;尽(义务等),竭(力),担任,从事。do one"s work 干工作。do odd jobs 干单词Do 例句大全,用单词Do造句:The AAC logo is a trademark ofDolby Laboratories. AAC标志是杜比实验室的商标。Aah!What are youdoing? 啊!你在干吗?Aah! What are youd

do造句复制1、Idon'tdodrugs.(我不吸毒。2、Howdoyoudo?' she said formally.(“你好!”她很正式地说。3、Whatdoyou propose todonow?(现在你打算做什么? 4、Please 用do造句子介绍如下:Do it yourself ─ I don't have time.你自己做吧——我没时间。I could do it now, if you li

o(╯□╰)o do的翻译do 相关例句动词1. Little did he think he would win. 他根本没料到他会赢。及物动词1. do的反义词1. It's your turn to do the dishes tonight. 今晚轮到你洗用do造句1.Do as I say.照我说的做!2.Do what you said,say what you can do.做你说过的,说你能做的。3.do a good thing (deed)做一件好事4.Do what you say,say what yo

?0? do造句1、Jane: Do I have to put in liquor?珍妮:我必须放酒进去吗?2、I see you know how to swim very well," she said, watching him do the backstroke.“看来你很会例句和翻译Examples and Translation 1.Everyone said I was an apple of discord. 他们都说我是个祸根。2.Do I sense an apple of discord in with you two? 你问我有么有感觉出


标签: do很简单造句



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