
her name用人称代词代替,you的人称代词是什么

name第三人称单数 2023-12-22 23:05 185 墨鱼

her name用人称代词代替,you的人称代词是什么

(ˉ▽ˉ;) She is a student, ___ name is Julia. A. its B. 2020-05-27 29人浏览人称代词练习题人称代词练习题一、用人称代词主格形式代替下列各词或划线部分:11. 人称代词可以用来指代人或物,使得语句更加简洁明了。例如,“He is my friend.”中的“He”就是人称代词,它直接代替了之前所提到的“my friend”,省去了重复

只能用Her name is Amy.不能说she's name is, 因为she是人称代词的主格形式,可以说she is Amy. her是形容词性物主代词,修饰后面的名词name. 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《新概念英语第一册,随二、用人称代词来代替以下内容1. hissister 2.myfather 3. your name 4.Ann(女名) 5.Hans(男名) 6. her bag 7. his car 8. my house 9. Tom and Ann 10. your dog 11.thepen

∪^∪ My father and I ( We )。Miss Li ( She ) 。his brother ( his )。my cars( they )。第三人称,又叫他称。常用“彼用人称代词替代下列名词1.Li Lie( ) 2.Nancy( ) 3.my father( ) 4.your mother's aunt( ) 5.mang dogs( ) 6.he and I ( ) 7.you,he and she( ) 8.the flowes(

That girl用人称代词she指代。Name名词,名词前形容词性的物主代词修饰,she的物主代词是her。考点:考查物主代词和人称代词。6.Miss Li is ___ English teacher在所指明显的情况下,介词后面可以用普通人称代词来代替反身代词。例如:(1) She took her dog with her. (2) She looks after her. 3.反身代词不能作定词反身


标签: you的人称代词是什么



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