

produce造句简单并翻译 2023-12-09 20:35 450 墨鱼


网络释义recall 显示所有例句v. 1. [t][i] 记起;回忆起;回想起to remember sth 2. [t] ~ sth 使想起;使想到;勾起to make sb think of sth 3. [t] 召回to order sb to returi can't recall meeting her before. 我想不起来以前曾经见过她。② recall what / how / where i can't recall who gave me the information. 我记不起谁

+▽+ recall造句1. I can hardly recall what happened in that meeting. 2. Can you recall the name of the person who helped us last week? 3. My grandfather used to recalrecall造句复制1、I do notrecallif I produced it and showed him a copy of it.(我不记得我是否把它拿出来并给他看了一份副本。2、Irecallan incident in a handball g

recall的用法3:recall常接介词from表示“从…召回”;接介词to表示“召回”“迫使(某人)恢复”。recall的常用短语用作名词(n.) beyond〔past〕recall 用作动词(v.) reca单词recall 例句大全,用单词recall造句:The things I said to her during the argument was beyondrecall. 在争吵时我对她说的话已经无可挽回了。I had hoped to bestow Wi

Recall doing: 记起;回忆起;回想起例如:I can't recall meeting her before. 我想不起来以前曾经见过她。1931小时前发布可爱谈心撤回英语:Withdrawn、recalrecall还可以作名词,意思是记忆力、记性,以及召回、叫回的情形,此时通常使用单数。造句:Can you recall what happened last night?分享:Biden has called Russian President Vl

1、emergencyrecall 2、associativerecall 3、It's gone beyondrecall. 4、recallmy schooldays 5、recalla representative 6、Can yourecallyour childhood? recall英音:[ri'kɔ:l] 美音:[ri'kɔ:l] 动词:1.回忆起,回想2.使想起;使想到;勾起及物动词:1.召回,收回2.收回(残损货品等)n.1.召回,唤回2.记忆力英英释义make unavailable; bar from sale or d


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