
what hard,hard won

你对自己工作的态度 2023-12-04 10:42 654 墨鱼

what hard,hard won

它们的区别是:1. what hard work:多么艰苦的工作。例如:What hard work it is ! 它是多么艰苦的工作啊!2. hard work: 艰苦的工作。例如:He had to leave off---Yes, I agree. ___ he works in his free time! A. What hard???B. How hard???C. How hardly???D. What a hard 查看答案和解析>>

网络多艰苦的工作;多么艰难的工作呀网络释义1. 多艰苦的工作专题讲解:感叹句,高中英语语法What fine weather it is! 多好的天气呀!What hard work it is!多艰苦的工What a hard pill 一种药丸,生成能够改变一个人的性取向,不管你觉的这很卑鄙,或是很美好,这都改变不了一个事实:它只是个愿者上钩的谎言。可偏偏这世上情愿相信

what is hard. We will achieve what is great. This is a time for American heroes and we reach for the stars.It should be hard. I like that it's hardDo what is hard I don't focus on what is it that's terrorizing me. I focus on what is it I want to accomplish. 正在威胁我的东西,我不去理会。我专注于自己想做成的事情。A


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